Dynamic Coupon Management

A new agency partner said “A customer wants to assign a personalized coupon to each recipient. They just gave us a CSV with 100,000 codes. Can you help?”

Us, Friday: <hmmm….>

Us, Monday: “All set!”

In a nutshell…you upload the codes. We’ll assign them by email address as the coupon-image requests come in. Recipient “fred@fuzzydogs.co” will always get 007DC11D, and nobody else will get that code.

This is a lean & lightweight coupon-assigner that leverages something already built in to Campaign-Genius - recipient tracking.
The C-G user can also add new codes (“low on codes” alerts next), and download the list of assigned/unassigned codes.

We managed to do this while staying true to our philosophy of “NO PII”.
Recipient addresses are stored as crypto hashes - we don’t keep recipient email addresses.

Coupon away…

Matthew Dunn