Open Rates, Restored
Monitor and compare anonymized opens and clicks, including Apple MPP users, from your existing email platform + your Google Analytics.
Monitor and compare anonymized opens and clicks, including Apple MPP users, from your existing email platform + your Google Analytics.
Understand the impact of MPP on content & metrics!
Polls of a few thousand people predict the opinions of millions in politics.
Open Genius uses statistics* to “poll” un-proxied email opens and project open rates inside black-box proxies like Apple MPP. There is no MPP ‘workaround’ — user privacy is protected.
Open rates are the first impressions of email. Open Genius restores virtual smile and frown rates to guide your campaigns and content decisions.
*Patents Pending
“Apple’s MPP implementation has led many marketers that legitimately relied on opens as a measure of intent to be left without clear answers or direction,” —Ryan Phelan, Managing Director, RPE Origin
Apple Mail Privacy Protection killed simplistic open-rate measures. Open Genius resolves open rates statistically while protecting privacy, through patents-pending network and sampling methods.
“Open Genius is not a technical hack around Apple; consumer privacy is protected,” —Dr. Matthew Dunn, CEO, Campaign Genius, quoted in MediaPost
Inject detailed email activity into Google Analytics in real-time to put email on a level playing field in marketing attribution decisions. (Google Analytics Universal ; v4 Support coming in Q3).
“Leveraging analytics data and modeling will allow marketers to understand better how the past year has affected both email and customer value. This updated view will be key as companies decide how to evolve their strategies and programs to obtain the most value from their marketing efforts.” —Bryan Moreci, Account Director at Oracle Marketing Consulting