A Conversation With Jay Gibb of CloudSponge

You may not have heard of Jay Gibb's company CloudSponge, even if you've used their service. After well over a decade, as Jay shared, CloudSponge has a strong hold on a narrow but powerful niche: address-book access.

Confused as to why this is an email conversation? Stick with us.

Jay shared with host Matthew Dunn why address books are such a powerful lever for digital marketing. As Matthew said..."so, if I'm browsing microphones and want to share the one on sale with my buddy...CloudSponge would enable the merchant to handle the email-share for me, pulling his address out of my online address book via CloudSponge."

CloudSponge gives their clients 2x-3x improvement in the most powerful digital channel of them all - word of mouse from someone you already know. It's one of those easy-to-overlook friction points in the evolution of digital — the challenge of typing just 1 email address, much less 5 — that CloudSponge eliminates.

Their customers run across the spectrum — from ecommerce merchants to crowdfunding sites to email publications.

This is one of those conversations about a niche that (a) might make you say "we could use that!", and (b) make you say "that's actually harder than I thought, now that he describes it!". Deconstructing the long-term roles of email is part of the picture, of course, but mainly this is a fascinating little glimpse into a neat business.

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